Editor’s Note: NCCE’s Board of Directors is meeting this week. This meeting is Cindy Etherton’s first as the President of our Board of Directors! We have featured Cindy on our blog in the past, and look forward to her leadership in this year! Jason recently caught up with Cindy to discuss NCCE and more about her!
What do you want teachers to know about NCCE’s conference, membership, or professional development opportunities?
Recently, I was at an educator conference where I was learning alongside many talented individuals from a variety of backgrounds, parts of the country, and teaching levels, and I noticed something unexpected. I saw many familiar faces and noticed that the interactions between people were stiff and stifled. They chose to be segregated by schools, districts, or alone with a device. It caused me to reflect on NCCE and how this plays out when we are together at an NCCE conference. While there is much to be learned from our familiar colleagues especially when we don’t always get that opportunity and there is also nothing wrong with personal reflection time, it is apparent when we are together that we are an NCCE family and we actively seek to show our connection to one another. While we may not know each other prior, we are ready to lend a hand, share an experience, or expertise to new and old friends alike. We are a community that cares for one another! That is a gift, and I can’t wait to see how this community continues to grow. #IamNCCE
What do you hope to get out of serving as President of the NCCE Board?
As the NCCE Board President, my role is to serve the NCCE membership by supporting the Board and promoting the positive work that is happening in our NCCE community. It is a privilege to see firsthand the dedication of the NCCE staff and Board as they actively give of their time and expertise to serve and help the NCCE community–and the students we serve–to become even more empowered and continue to contribute in productive and positive ways.
What is something you can tell NCCE’s members you as the President of the Board of Directors?
Let me tell you more about me! I’m the oldest of 8 and lived in 6 states by the age of 12 and not because of military family service. I’m from Wisconsin and a first-generation college graduate. My favorite food is pizza, and I could eat it every day) and my favorite dessert is anything with chocolate as the main ingredient. I first started helping peers use an Apple IIe in a college computer lab. My hobbies include wine tasting (have 20 within 20 miles of my home), kayaking, hiking, traveling, and playing games. I have taught K-20 in-person, blended, and online classes.
Thanks, Cindy!