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Advancing K-12 Cybersecurity: A Hands-On Workshop with the Cybersecurity Rubric

With Pete Just and Anu Jokinen

Wednesday, Feb 26 | 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm 

Whether you’re new to cybersecurity evaluations or looking to expand your expertise, this summit will provide the tools, knowledge, and certification pathway to help you safeguard your school system against cyber threats. Our dynamic panel featuring experts from CISA, the FBI, and districts that have faced cyber-attacks will share invaluable insights into real-world cybersecurity challenges and solutions.

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Did you know that 61 % of reported malware encounters come from the education sector? Join us for a summit where K12 leaders move beyond talk and take action.

In an era where cybersecurity attacks on schools are skyrocketing, K12 technology leaders face the daunting challenge of safeguarding student data and maintaining uninterrupted learning environments.

Cybersecurity Framework for Education


Cybersecurity Rubric

Get Certified

Traditional cybersecurity standards often prove too complex, costly, and ill-suited for educational settings. Enter the Cybersecurity Rubric (CR) – a game-changing framework tailored specifically for schools. Join us for an immersive, hands-on workshop where you’ll step into the shoes of a cybersecurity consultant tasked with evaluating and fortifying the defenses of Greenfield School District, a fictional K12 institution facing very real threats.

How can Superintendents, IT Directors, Digital Coaches, TOSA educators, Admins and teachers create a strategic Cybersecurity plan for their district alone?

They can’t!

That is where the NCCE IT/ Cybersecurity Summit can help!

Summit Speakers


Anu Jokinen, ClassLink


David Roberts, Ednetics

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Pete Just, Indiana CTO Council

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Ian Moore, State of WA


Chris Bailey, Edmonds School District

In this dynamic, interactive session, you’ll:

1. Work on a team to conduct a mock security audit using the CR framework
2. Identify critical vulnerabilities in the district infrastructure
3. Prioritize security measures based on the district’s unique needs and constraints
4. Develop a strategic action plan to elevate your cybersecurity posture
5. Present your findings and recommendations to fellow ‘district leaders’

This engaging simulation will give you practical experience applying the Cybersecurity Rubric in a risk-free environment.

You’ll leave equipped with the knowledge and confidence to become a Certified Cybersecurity Rubric Evaluator and how to implement these vital skills in your own district, moving towards a more secure school environment.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform abstract cybersecurity concepts into concrete, actionable strategies. Join us to master the Cybersecurity Rubric and become the cybersecurity champion your district needs!

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