Join the Tech-Savvy Teachers and members of the Elite NCCE Trainer Team at ISTE in San Antonio!

Three change agents who upended the status quo in their own unique ways will be the keynote speakers at ISTE 2017, June 25-28 in San Antonio, Texas.These extraordinary speakers each took unconventional paths, allowing them to blaze new trails in their industries: • Jad Abumrad created a compelling new documentary style with “Radiolab,” the public radio program and podcast that uses dialogue, music, interviews and sound effects to tell important stories that captivate listeners. • Jennie Magiera, a White House Champion

These extraordinary speakers each took unconventional paths, allowing them to blaze new trails in their industries:

  • Jad Abumrad created a compelling new documentary style with “Radiolab,” the public radio program and podcast that uses dialogue, music, interviews and sound effects to tell important stories that captivate listeners.
  • Jennie Magiera, a White House Champion for Change who believes every classroom should be a space for “edventures,” fights for equity and fosters passion-based, experiential learning for students.
  • Reshma Saujani is the founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, a national nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in technology. Through its summer immersion programs and clubs, Girls Who Code is leading the movement to inspire, educate and equip young women with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities.

While you’re exploring all that’s in store at ISTE 2017, be sure to check out the program and see what makes it the world’s most comprehensive edtech event. Don’t miss being inspired by three powerful voices. Join us at ISTE 2017.

Find out more here, or register now here!

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