Jenn is a life-long lover of technology and has worked to make learning come alive for her students and fellow educators from Kindergarten to higher education. After earning an M.Ed. in Instructional Technology, she now supports teachers, helping them infuse technology into their classrooms with an emphasis in 21st Century Learning. Jenn is a self-proclaimed OneNote Superhero and with her sidekick @techtwigz she joined NCCE as a Coordinator of Professional Development so she could extend her reach to educators globally, sharing her passion for instructional technology and digital transformation. She is a MIE Master Trainer, MIE Expert, Surface Expert & Skype Master Teachers. Jenn is a Certified Microsoft Educator and has earned MOS Expert and MTA certifications.
Currently, Jenn is a and a Coordinator for Professional Development at NCCE in Coeur d’Alene , Idaho. Prior to joining NCCE she was a School Technology Specialist for Davis School District and former CTE Business/Marketing teacher in Utah. Jenn teaches course as an adjunct faculty member at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah.