Use Sports to Teach Math, Science, and More!
Football and the Pythagorean Theorem: There’s Math in Sports?
Explore how the Pythagorean theorem can be used to determine the distance that a pass and a kick in football actually travel in this interactive for students grades 6-8 from Alabama Public Television. View Resource
Anatomy of a Home Run | QUEST | Grades 8-12
Some noted physicists have said that on paper, hitting a home run is impossible. In this video, take a look at what it takes to hit one out of the park. View Resource
Are Olympic Competitors Geniuses? | PBS Idea Channel | Grades 6-12
While we often think of “genius” as an intellectual category, can we use it for Olympians? Athletes are geniuses at pushing their bodies to new heights, making the impossibly difficult seem easy and effortless. View Resource
The Chemistry of Running | Annenberg Learner | Grades 9-12
Learn how running a marathon relies on your body’s ability to deliver oxygen and fuel to your muscles for an extended period and to maintain your internal environment (fluids, electrolytes, pH) during the stress of running. View Interactive
Don’t Miss the Premiere of Ken Burns’ Jackie Robinson on PBS April 11-12
Looking for more sports-themed teaching moments? Jackie Robinson, an all-new documentary from Ken Burns, premieres on PBS April 11 and 12. Learn More
Join Us in Bringing the Universe to America’s Classrooms
Are you an Earth, physical, or space science teacher? Apply now to become a WGBH/PBS LearningMedia STEM Teacher Advisor, and join us in designing and testing innovative approaches to using digital media for STEM education. Learn More
Explore free, media-rich content and tools from PBS LearningMedia! During the hour, you will learn how to search for and download content, save and share your favorite resources, and create dynamic presentations and lessons. Register Now
March 29, 2016
Discover how PBS LearningMedia Custom and its collection of over 100k curriculum-aligned digital resources can support your teaching and personalize learning experiences for your students. Register Now
April 12, 2016
Save 10% on Spring & Summer PD Courses
Need to earn professional development or continuing education credits this summer? Check out PBS TeacherLine! Our suite of courses spans all subject areas and grade levels. Use promo code “SPRINGPD” now through April 4 to save 10% on facilitated courses. View Open Courses
NEW PBS TeacherLine Course: An Introduction to Underlying Principles and Research for Effective Literacy Instruction
Analyze best practices for phonemic awareness, phonics, and word recognition to develop the skills required for students to expand vocabulary, improve comprehension and fluency, and gain independence. Grades PreK-8 | 45 Hours Enroll Now