locMany NCCE members have received training through NCCE’s training on the Library of Congress and Teaching with Primary sources.  The Library of Congress is offering a 5 day summer institute to take your training to the next level.  In this five-day program for K-12 educators, Library of Congress education specialists facilitate sessions modeling strategies for using primary sources to engage students, build critical thinking skills, and construct knowledge. Participants then consider, discuss, and develop applications to their students, their classrooms, and school libraries. Participants draw from among the millions of digitized primary sources from the Library’s collections to design and refine a specific primary source activity to implement in the fall. While the emphasis is on teaching strategies, participants also have opportunities to meet experts within the Library and visit the Maps; Manuscripts; Prints & Photographs and other Reading Rooms to gather information and resources to use in developing their activities.

2014 Institute dates are listed below:

  • June 9-13        Institute session #1
  • July 7-11         Institute session #2
  • July 21-25       Institute session #3

The complete 2014 Summer Teacher Institute Syllabus:

For more information and application go to:

Explore more resources on the Library of Congress YouTube Page:

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