Jason and I are excited that we are starting to receive some questions from our readers.  Remember, at the very top of the page there is a link entitled “Ask a Tech Savvy Teacher”.  Clicking on that link will bring you to a form where you can submit your question.  We have some additional questions we will be wrapping together in our next Ask a Tech Savvy Teacher podcast.  We love being able to help, so please keep the questions coming.  On to the question….drum roll please:

Why do people start tweets with a period?



Great question!  This trend has become more common place in 2014.  The answer requires a bit of background so bear with me:

When you start a tweet with a users hashtag, Twitter interprets that tweet as a reply to the user.  For instance:

@techsavvyteach is a great Twitter handle

In this statement I want to proclaim this vital piece of information to ALL my followers. The problem is Twitter is interpreting this tweet as a reply t0 Jason.  Twitter will only show this tweet in people’s streams that have followed both Jason and myself, not all of my followers.  (AKA: Common Followers)  So to make this proclamation to everyone of my followers I have to add a period in the front.  And now you just became a little more Tech Savvy.



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