photoThe Tech Savvy Teachers have touched down in Seattle and are ready for another great NCCE conference!  As with every conference there are some actions you can take as an attendee to maximize the experience for yourself and everyone attending.  First off, wireless:
Password: NCCE14Fans! 
The technical staff at NCCE does an outstanding job of providing wireless coverage at the conference.  With that said, we need your help to make sure everyone can have the wireless access they need.  One of the best things you can do is make sure you only have one device connected to the conference wireless at a time.  Connecting your phone and then putting it into your pocket wastes access and holds a wireless spot that someone else could be using.  Some other reminders:
·       DO NOT create any MiFi or personal hotspots
·       Personal hotspots will be turned off
·       Streaming will be monitored and limited
Remember the 5 Minute Rule for all workshops:
In order to fairly accommodate all hands-on workshop participants, the five-minute rule will apply.  Those that have re-registered for a hands-on workshop must arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the workshop. If not, the seat will be opened to attendees.  Those who did not pre-register for a workshops are encouraged to participate in a workshop where space is available.
If you are going to be using a Chromebook lab or participating in any Google workshops or sessions:
If you are going to be attending a session/workshop in the Chromebook lab, be sure you have a Google account created PRIOR to the conference.
Download these apps before you at the conference:
Word Wizard
Montessori Crosswords
Book Creator
Story Kit
Pic Collage
iPad 2 or later: iTalk, i-nigma
Android: Voice Recorder, i-nigma
Windows 8: Dictaphone, Scan
Garage Band
iPadio (free app in iOS & Android markets)
Pocket WavePad (free iOS & Android app)
Google Earth
Google Chrome
Algebra Card Clutter
Cover Up (solving algebraic expressions)
Diamond Factor
Flabido (soon to be Action Grapher)
Function Mystery Machine
Hop the Number Line
Lion Grapher
Linear Model
Math Flyer ($0.99)/
Slope Slider (free/basic version of Math Flyer–iPhone and iPad)
Point Plotter
Submariner Algebra
Tortoise and the Hare Algebra
Inequality Graphe
Join the conversation online!  We will be tweeting under @NCCE_edtech @techsavvyteach @mikegusto throughout the conference.  
Conference Hashtags
Official                                                       #NCCE2014
Exhibit Hall MakerSpace                         #makerspacegarage
Teacher-Librarian                                   #ncce2014TL
The Maker Movement                             #ncce2014maker
Information Technology                         #ncce2014IT
Open Educational Resources (OER)      #ncce2014OER            
Key Twitter Handles
Eric Sheninger               @NMHS_Principal
Gary Stager                    @garystager

Featured Speakers
Joe Dockery                   @doc2designs
Katie Kotynski               @kkkkatiek
Jeremy Macdonald        @MrMacnology
Jeff Utecht                      @jutecht
Tech-Savvy Teachers
Jason Neiffer                 @techsavvyteach
Mike Agostinelli             @mikegusto
Heidi Rogers                  @Heidi_NCCE
I hope you all have a great conference!  Jason and I will be around throughout the week.  Tomorrow we will be posting all the sessions and workshops we will be leading.  We look forward to meeting you and would love to hear what you would like to see on this blog in the future.
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