For Immediate Release


Contact: Bobby Myers, Marketing and Communications Director, 208-292-2521

Shannon Davenport Head ShotCoeur d’Alene, Idaho – On July 1st, 2018, Shannon Davenport, Instructional Technology Coach for the Clarksville Montgomery County School System in Tennessee, will take over as the Director of Professional Learning for NCCE (Northwest Council for Computer Education). Her career in education began in 1996 as a third grade teacher and she worked closely with students, administrators, and teachers as the learning process has transformed through furthering the integration of technology in the classroom.

Current Director of Professional Development, Becky Firth, has been with NCCE since 2009. Becky has advanced the services NCCE provides into Microsoft’s largest education partnership, providing training across the United States, its territories, and internationally. “Shannon Davenport will be an outstanding addition to the NCCE team. She brings a wealth of experience in curriculum design and professional development. I am so excited for the future of NCCE.”

Shannon joined NCCE as a professional learning specialist in 2014 and helped build the curriculum for a three-year Technology Integration to Improve Teaching and Learning grant from the US Department of Education in the US Virgin Islands. She has been a featured speaker at the NCCE annual conference as well as a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, has been honored as both the Making It Happen recipient from ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) and as a Distinguished Educator in Montgomery County Schools. Most recently, she was selected to attend the prestigious Microsoft E2 Forum in Singapore.

“It is no easy task to find a replacement for Becky after all of the years of dedication and support she has given to NCCE,” said NCCE CEO, Heidi Rogers, “but Shannon’s enthusiasm for leading rich professional development  will be a true asset to NCCE’s team of Professional Learning Specialists throughout the country. The entire NCCE team is truly excited for her to join us full-time.”

As the new Director of Professional Learning, Shannon will continue to work with 50+ NCCE professional learning specialists, grow the partnerships NCCE has developed with business partners and nonprofit organizations, and provide opportunities for our NCCE members both in the US and around the globe.


NCCE is a nonprofit organization that specializes in professional learning for K-12 educators, administrators, and support staff. NCCE provides year-round training across the country, uniting with local, regional, and national education partners. NCCE hosts the largest education conference in the Northwest. To learn more about NCCE, visit:

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