How do you foster investigative learning in your classroom? Interest based learning has been a popular research topic in the Ed Tech community over the past 15 years.  Research has shown that when students have an interest in the topic of study, the students own curiosity creates motivation to learn the topic.  The challenge to this is that students interest vary so drastically it can be difficult to create lessons that trigger everyone’s curiosity.  One tactic to encourage interest based learning in your classroom is to incorporate the website

DIY is a platform for students to discover Skills and share what they make and do with a global community. Educators everywhere are using DIY to explore skill-based learning and introduce collaboration into their classroom – during homeroom, Genius Hour, after school, and even regular classes. Blend the DIY Skills platform into your core curriculum, or let your students explore new subjects while practicing skills.

About_-_DIYThink of the spark you would ignite in your students by giving them the time and space to pursue their interests, take risks, and publish original works. reports over 100,000 active students collaborating, creating, and giving authentic feedback. In addition to the website, the DIY app (iOS) gives students the freedom to easily share their findings and creations with the DIY community.  Let us know if you try DIY in your classroom in the comments section below.

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