Welcome to our first edition of #firstyearteacherme!  We are collecting words of wisdom from NCCE friends, trainers, and staff to share with early career teachers and other educational professionals through our blog!  Experience brings understanding and we know that if we could do it all over again, we would all approach things in a bit of a different way!  Today, we bring to you advice from Becky Firth, NCCE’s Professional Development Director and winner of the 2018 Eric Jensen Award!

Becky Then and Now

Becky Then: Teacher in Wishram, Washington, a district with 100 kids, K-12.  Becky taught six periods, including three grade-combined English classes, combined PE classes, and journalism.  Plus, she coached high school girls volleyball, basketball (both high school girls and middle school boys), track, and ultimately cross country!

Becky Now:  NCCE’s Professional Development Director and 43-year educator.  Becky is known for her love of coffee, endless energy, and passion for education and teacher development.  Her persistence has gained her the nickname “24/7 Firth!”

What I Really Wish I Had Known Early On

You need to gain experience to understand what is an important enough hill to die on and what is not, and what is within your power to control and what is not!

“24/7 Firth’s” Top 3 Pieces of Advice For First Year Teachers

  • When your classroom door shuts, what’s left is you and your students. Your students are the reason you are there. They deserve 100% of you.
  • The office staff is your best friend.
  • Bus and lunch schedules run the district.


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