Building on the success of last years summits, NCCE and the Washington Office of Public Instruction are offering a FREE summit focusing on Open Education Resources. The use of (OER) has exploded in the K-20 sector over the past few years and this summit will look at the role of OER in the changing educational landscape. A vast team of OER experts will focus the day around the following topics:
- Why Open Educational Resources?
- Locating resources for your grade band and content area.
- Review instruments for determining quality and Common Core Alignment.
- Implementing OER in real world classrooms
- Technology considerations for wide scale OER distribution
9:00 – Welcome and overview
9:15 – Keynote: Importance of OER in changing educational landscape
10:00 – Group work: Effectively locating resources
11:00 – OER and Common Core
12:00 – Lunch and SMART Technologies display
1:00 – Group work: Mini-review
2:00 – OER in the classroom case studies
3:00 – Panel: OER and digital distribution and access
Only 40 seats Available! Register Now
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