Hello from beautiful Eureka, Montana, just minutes away from the US-Canada border!

I am here today to facilitate workshops at “Eureka! It’s A Google Fest” presented by Rob “Rocket Rob” Reynolds and the rest of the fabulous staff at Lincoln County High School.  Rob is Montana’s local Google Guru and has been preaching to the world about Google Apps, Chromebooks and Androids before those concepts were cool.

I am humbled to be amongst a group of excellent presenters, including Wisconsin phenoms Michael Jabber and Dan Sitter, Beyond the Chalk‘s Jeff Crews and Dean Phillips (who was constantly confused for Mike at NCCE in Seattle… Dean is the one with Google Glass on… 🙂 ) and Eurkea’s own Rocket Rob, Heather Dunn, and Angela Price.

I am presenting three times today, and wanted to share my slide decks and a little of my angle.  I certainly do not need to be talked into the power of Google tools and, in particular, the Google Apps for Education suite.  However, I have been challenging myself lately to stop saying “technology is great!” and instead, talk about what you can do with technology, i.e., “technology is great for building world-changing widgets.”

Here are my presentations and slide decks:

Presentation Zen: Google Style

Inspired by the excellent work of Garr Reynolds, I take a stab at crafting simple, effective slide deck techniques using Google Presentations.

I like the simplicity of Google Presentations and argue that the simple interface actually advantages those looking for clean, effective presentations.

We have ChromeBooks!  Yay!  Now what??!

I am now asked several times a month from teachers, “I have been stuck with these Chromebooks… any suggestions what to do with it?”  The Chromebook can be an awesome way to provide a good, scalable experience to students in a 1:1 environment but requires you evolve your expectations and integration practice to utilize this platform’s strengths.  This is my first presentation with my picks for the best tools you can adopt in a Chrome-only world.

Up Your Assessment Game with Google!

Similar to a number of talks I have given over the past year, I take on the notion of how a teacher can utilize Google tools to increase their effective classroom assessment practice.

I am excited to be part of this event in a school district and region that embraces technology as an empowering force to help students change the world.

Check out the tweets today at #googlefest… I know I will be on Twitter! 🙂

If you are interested in these or other trainings in your district, contact NCCE to discuss bringing a tech-savvy teacher to your district!

Thanks to Team Eureka for being excellent hosts!

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