Teachers often hear the refrain that education will never be the same because of Google: the massively powerful search engine offers its users access to mindbogglingly huge archives with just a few short clicks.  While there is certainly a debate of how much this changes the need to teach students certain content (meet me at the NCCE tweetup in Portland and I’ll talk your ear off about this 🙂 ), it IS true that schools should be helping students harness this powerful tool by teaching some Google and other search engine basics.

In my own classroom, I have successfully used the Google “Search Education” curriculum.  Especially if you are in a 1:1 classroom environment, you owe it to students to give them a powerful toolset of excellent search skills.  Learning to search a search engine is somewhat akin to learning coding: excellent searchers have to use a systematic pattern of good search terms to find the best information about a given subject.

If you don’t have time for that in your classroom, I like this infographic from eLearning Infographics.  It is short and to the point, and provides some powerful advanced search strategies:

Google Search Tricks Infographic
Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics

What’s your trick for helping students become search-savvy in your classroom?  Hit us up in the comments below!

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