Back by popular demand for a second year, NCCE’s Google Summit will feature presentations and workshops from the Pacific Northwest’s “App All-Stars,” a collection of engaging and in-demand educators from across the region that know innovation and results.  The summit is relevant to anyone involved in education, including teachers, administrators, support staff and technology staff, but, there is a special focus on schools that are Google Apps for Education Schools or are considering adopting that tool.  The summit will provide a balance of hands-on sessions and thought-provoking talks, focused on the powerful Google suite of tools, including Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Maps and Google Forms.

What if I’ve never used Google Apps for Education?

There is no need for you to have experience with G Suite (Google Apps for Education) prior to the day of the Summit. We do ask that you have access to a Google account. This can be the account you school district has set up for you or a personal Google account.

Highlights Include:

  • Google Chrome Academy
  • Revamp the Research Process Using G-Suite
  • Google Expeditions Kit
  • Google Classroom 101
  • Trick your Ride with Chrome!
  • Gmail Secrets
  • G-Suite Hacks: Making Google Even Better
  • Google Sites for Districts and Schools
  • Tell Your Story with Google Geo Tools
  • Find Presentation Zen with Google Slides
  • K-12 Formative Assessment and Analysis with Forms and Sheets

March 22, 2017 | 9am – 4pm

$220* (Includes Lunch)

Certificate of attendance, clock hours and college credit available. *Early registration deadline 2.24.2017

Sign up today at

We hope to see you there!

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