Joe Dockery

Joe Dockery

Joe Dockery teaches a variety of multimedia courses in the High Tech Learning Center at Mount Si High School in the Snoqualmie Valley School District. He is also in charge of technology staff development and online summer school and manages the high school website.

Dockery also consults and trains across the United States on the use and design of electronic portfolios, webcasting, and video production. He has taught courses for Washington State University, The Learning Space, and a variety of school districts. A cornerstone of his teaching is his ability to weave community service into all aspects of his curriculum and to provide his students with authentic learning experiences. This work has earned him a Washington State Golden Apple Award and the Radio Shack National Technology Teacher of the Year Award.

Dockery has a Master’s in Teaching and a certificate in Distance Learning Design and Development from the University of Washington. He also has helped to develop the largest high school film festival in the Northwest.

He was featured in 2011 by TechSmith as one of “20 to Watch,” giving an excellent interview on how he uses video tutorials in his classroom.  He also writes for School Video News, and has recently published articles ranging from Audio to Gear Recommendations.

You can find out more about Mr. Dockery at his excellent Weebly site here.

Come see Joe at NCCE 2014 in Seattle:

Wednesday Workshops:

Thursday Workshops:
Friday Workshops:
Thursday Sessions:

iPad 101: The Basics Everyone Should Know

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