We are pleased to introduce Morgen Larsen, NCCE’s new Tech-Savvy Librarian! We caught up with Morgen recently to talk technology and the tools she uses daily to engage with the rest of the world!
Name: Morgen Larsen
Location: Spokane Valley, Washington
Current job(s) and your role with NCCE: Teacher-Librarian at Central Valley High School – Home of the Bears! I also serve as President of the NCCE Board of Directors & NCCE’s Tech Savvy Librarian!
Current computer: Lenovo Yoga 730 running Windows 10
Current mobile device(s): iPhone 8 Plus. With two tech-savvy teens, I like Apple’s ecosystem for family sharing!
One word that best describes how you teach or work: Conductor

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Show us a screenshot of your mobile device’s home screen! Sure… here you go!
What apps/software/tools can you not live without?
- Libby (Overdrives e-reader app) These days, I only read on my iPhone, and the Libby app has all of the features other e-reader apps provide, but is also connected directly to Spokane County Library District’s catalog of digital print and audio books.
- NPR app. I can listen to local NPR stations and stay up to date with my favorite shows regardless of where I am.
- Find my iPhone. My family and I use this for all sorts of geo-locating. Like finding the grandparents at Costco or locating brothers iPhone at the bottom of the laundry basket.
- Picniic. This app helps keep my family organized and on the same page regarding appointments, activities, chores, and even menu planning.
- Pic Collage. Even though it has been around for a while, it is still my go-to app for quick social media content creation.
Other than your phone and computer, what gadget can you not live without?
A good pair of sound cancelling headphones. I currently have a pair of Sony WH-1000XM2 headphones that I love. They are light, stylish, and relatively compact without compromising functionality. The sound canceling is superb and I often find myself wearing them just for the peace and quiet.
What browser do you use regularly?
Edge. I am an Office 365 power user, and Edge works seamlessly with Office 365. I also appreciate the adaptive and accessibility features built into the browser.
What is your favorite avenue to connect with social media?
For my professional PLN, I prefer Twitter. Follow me @TechSavvyLib
When you are not living the glamorous work life, what do you like to do in your spare time for fun?
- Read…especially SciFi
- Watch Movies…also SciFi
- Comedy clubs and live music
- Visit museums and libraries
- Arts & Crafts
As a tech-savvy teacher, what everyday thing do you feel you excel with/at versus other teachers/administrators/mentors?
I am a skilled system developer. As a librarian, I am naturally drawn to projects that need to be organized and put in a logical sequence. I love developing process and protocols that increase effectiveness and efficiency. This applies to physical and technical projects.
What is the best teaching advice you have received?
Do not repeat yourself. If students know you are going to repeat yourself, they will not listen. Instead of giving instructions a second time, now I kindly tell students to “ask someone who was listening”.
What are you currently reading?
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari & Thunderhead, By Neal Shusterman.
Who are your influences in the education community?
- Sam Wineburg @samwineburg
- Sylvia Duckworth @sylviaduckworth
- Jennifer LaGarde @jenniferlagarde
- Nikki Robertson @NikkiDRobertson
- Kevin Honeycutt @kevinhoneycutt
What fantastic tech-savvy educator would you like to refer to us to answer these same questions? Aaron Mauer. He is multi-talented and knows so much about every EdTech gadget and gizmo in existence. [Editor’s Note: We agree! 🙂 ]
Any parting thoughts you would like to share with our readers?
I am so excited to share my journey as a school librarian as I Transform My School Library! Let’s learn and inspire each other to make little changes in our everyday routines. Follow me as students and I remake and reimagine our big, beautiful school library!