We are just days away from the start of NCCE 2014 in Seattle and if you haven’t downloaded the NCCE Conference App yet, now is the time!

Why the conference app?  It is your connection to information about the conference.  As a tech-savvy teacher, you can have one-click access to the conference schedule, information about speakers and exhibitors and a means of planning your conference experience.

Start your engines!

I am showing off screenshots from my Android phone, but the app is available on all major platforms: iOS, Android and Windows Phone.  The splash screen says it all… let’s get ready to go!


The Main Drag


The main screen is your key to conference information.  This weekend, you should review General Information and About NCCE and learn about services available at the conference and the team working hard to put this conference together.  Most of the information information is located under the (1) conference schedule and information about the (2) featured speakers and keynoters.

Plan Your Conference Experience

Our favorite part of this app is the schedules.  You can bring up lists of workshops, sessions and summits, and see the schedule:


Want to know more?  Click on the title for details:



Even better, click on the + to add the session to your device’s calendar.  Yes… you can use your mobile device to plan your conference experience… which was exactly what we are doing this weekend!

Want to connect with feature presenters, like Katie Kotynski?  Click on their bios for more information, including Twitter handles:

Featured SpeakersAt the bottom of every screen, you will find a great guide to other conference information, including the conference wiki, information about our great partners, and even a built-in map to find your way to the convention center in Seattle:

Tool Bar

Have questions throughout the conference?  Click on Contact!

We are excited to offer this amazing resources to enhance your conference experience.  Make your conference better by downloading this weekend and plan your experience now.

Seattle is ON!

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