NCCE partnered with Bishop Larkin Catholic Schools to help teachers successfully plan and execute lessons that allow engagement and active learning. Major disruptions from the coronavirus crisis in education were felt despite going back to in-person learning.
Bishop Larkin Catholic School is a private Catholic School based in Port Richey, Florida, home to EC3 and PreK thru 8th grade. Stacy Cervone, BLCS Principal, leads 230 students, and 15 instructional staff members. In the fall of 2022, a new technology teacher will be added to the staff.
Professional learning was broken down into two segments
- Google workspace in learning tools for communication, collaboration, critical thinking, curation, and engagement in grades 3-8.
- Using an iPad for communication, collaboration, critical thinking, curation, and engagement in grades K-2.
“AHA” moment for Bishop Larkin Catholic School
Bishop Larkin’s 3-8 grade teachers were immersed in a virtual learning experience housed in the Google Classroom environment in order to fully engage and experience learning opportunities as their students would. In between synchronous learning experiences teachers collaborated with NCCE Coaches, documenting and planning next learning steps using shared digital growth plans.
In the Fall of 2021, when our staff could implement our Google Workspace in Education and iPad training in the classroom, the biggest AHA moment was that we had one solution for our resources. We worked smarter, not harder, which gave our staff more time.
Bishop Larkin Principal Stacy Cervone
The overall goal was to adapt instructional strategies and techniques to use best practice strategies and engage, motivate, and challenge students to achieve at their highest level in core academic areas. NCCE helped teachers successfully plan and execute lessons that allow for engagement and active learning by using an interactive class.
NCCE professional learning specialist Kelly Williams enjoyed working with Bishop Larkin Catholic Schools staff. “The ease of differentiation and accessibility using Google Classroom was a big win with BLCS educators across grade levels,” stated Williams.
iPad training increases Collaboration and Engagement
Bishop Larkin’s K-2 teachers focused on using iPads for communication, collaboration, critical thinking, curation, and engagement. Working together for eight weeks virtually, NCCE created a bridge for teachers to learn new techniques and incorporate what they were already doing all on one device. From learning the basics, to adding apps such as Keynote, to creating memorable presentations, Bishop Larkin’s K-2 grade teachers were introduced to cross-grade-friendly tools to enhance their classroom.
Introducing Apple Teacher Inspirational Resources
“The iPad is the most underutilized device in the school in many ways. You don’t know what you don’t know until someone shares it with you. It was such a joy to grow their technical skillset and share professional learning that grows with you in and out of the classroom.”
Kristen Brooks
Apple Distinguished Educator Cherokee County School District
NCCE Customizes Professional Learning
NCCE embraces every opportunity to work closely with schools and districts of any size to ensure the delivery of relevant and rigorous professional learning experiences.
“NCCE Director Shannon Davenport put together a customized training within our private school’s budget. NCCE’s training is not a cookie-cutter professional learning model. We received customized training, and the coaches would take our feedback and help us in real-time. NCCE engaged with our teachers.”
Bishop Larkin Catholic School Principal Stacy Cervone
Growing Educators for over 50 years
NCCE’s leadership practices are grounded in culturally responsive practices and decisions that support a growth mindset for all.
For more information on how NCCE, a not-for-profit organization, can help you and your district this summer, contact NCCE Professional Learning Director Shannon Davenport at
Expertise: Google for Education