NCCE has an unbelievable team of individuals from WA, MT, OR, ID and beyond, working and supporting our members. Next up is Bre Urness-Straight.
Full name
Bre Urness-Straight
Professional Title
Director, Education Technology
School District or Organization
What state are you from?
Highlight a memorable event or person from a past NCCE event that reminded you of what NCCE represents.
I have two great memories. The first one is receiving the “Making it Happen” award as a surprise at my district’s school board meeting because I was unable to attend the conference due to chemotherapy treatment. My other favorite memory is when we all came together March 2020 to try to support each other with the immediate transition to distance learning during the pandemic. There was a great sense of support and camaraderie.
Please describe the reason you joined the NCCE board of directors.
I had the honor of being selected as the state representative on the board of directors. I joined because of the opportunity to provide state-level insights and support, support the work of NCCE.
How many years have you been an involved member of NCCE?
Off and on for more than 20 years.
What are you looking forward to in Seattle at NCCE25?
Connecting with the EdTech community. Learning new concepts, approaches and insights. Having the opportunity to share insights on the work at the state level.
Please share something you learned from being part of the NCCE community.
When we come together, we innovate and build off of the best of our shared ideas and personal projects. Each time I attend the conference, I make new friends and learn new things!