As educators from all over the globe converge on San Antonio for ISTE 2017, NCCE will be well represented with it’s amazing group of Microsoft trainers. If you are a Microsoft school or educator interested in expanding your instruction with Microsoft’s suite of tools, the NCCE Microsoft Trainers have you covered. Presentations range from Minecraft Education to Building Collaborative Classrooms with Microsoft Teams. You can count on engaging presentations that leave you with tangible skills to bring back to your classroom this Fall. NCCE Microsoft Trainers will be working throughout the conference to make sure that everyone has a chance to see all the amazing ways Microsoft is empowering students of today to create the world of tomorrow. Below are presentation titles, times, and trainers’ names so you can easily add them to your itinerary in the ISTE app!


8:30 Kelly Williams
Lisa Simmons
6 Steps for building the collaborative classrooms with Microsoft Teams
9:30 Todd Beard Make What’s Next: Concrete Ways to Inspire Girls to Stay in STEM
10:00 Maria Turner
Charity Nix
Personalizing Learning with the OneNote Class Notebook Benson/Neal Get to Know Minecraft: Education Edition with Code Builder
10:30 Kelly Williams Office 365: 6 Steps for building the collaborative classrooms with Microsoft Teams
11:00 Lisa Simmons 7 Steps to help teachers make learning environments more inclusive and accessible
11:30 Benson Kwok
ME Pearson
Get to Know Minecraft: Education Edition Shea Elam-Henley Office 365: Personalizing Learning with the OneNote Class Notebook
12:00 Charity Nix Office 365: Authentic Assessments with Forms, Sway, and more
12:30 Lisa Simmons Hacking STEM
1:00 Benson Kwok
ME Pearson
Get to Know Minecraft: Education Edition with Code Builder Todd Beard Making + Coding = a more inclusive approach to computing education
1:30 Jenn Morgan Office 365: 10 tips on Office 365 Online that you never knew
2:00 Charity Nix Create engaging projects and presentations with Sway
2:30 Maria Turner
Kelli Ethredge
Reimagine the writing process with Microsoft in Education Jenn Morgan Engage students and inspire learning with Digital Inking & Apps
3:00 Danielle Vogel Office 365: The what, why and how of the FREE tools
3:30 Danielle Vogel
Laura Raganas
Teaching students career and future ready skills with Microsoft Imagine Academy with Kentucky DOE
4:00 Kelly Williams
ME Pearson
7 Steps to help teachers make learning environments more inclusive and accessible Shannon Davenport Reimagine the writing process with Microsoft in Education
4:30 Rob Baker
Cincinnati Country Day School
Creating an accessible learning platform with Microsoft Intune for Education & Windows 10 with Cincinnati Country Day School
5:00 Benson Kwok Become a Microsoft Innovative Educator


10:00 Shannon Davenport Office 365: Creating more collaborative schools and classrooms
10:15 Todd Beard Hacking STEM
10:30 Shannon Davenport 7 Steps to help teachers make learning environments more inclusive and accessible
11:00 Benson/Neal Get to Know Minecraft: Education Edition with Code Builder
11:30 Kelli Etheredge Reimagine the writing process with Microsoft in Education
11:45 Todd Beard Making + Coding = a more inclusive approach to computing education
12:00 Maria Turner Office 365: The what, why and how of the FREE tools
12:30 Shea Elam-Henley Bring the world to your students with Skype in the Classroom!
1:00 Kelly Wiliams Office 365: 6 Steps for building the collaborative classrooms with Microsoft Teams
1:15 Maria Turner
Shannon Davenport
Authentic Assessments with Forms, Sway, and more
1:30 Charity Nix Office 365: Authentic Assessments with Forms, Sway, and more
2:00 Leaza Silver Office 365: 10 tips on Office 365 Online that you never knew
2:30 Kurt Madden
Fresno USD
Learning Outcomes Impact with Personalized Learning Initiative with Fresno Unified School District
2:45 Maria Turner
Leaza Silver
The what, why and how of the FREE tools
3:00 Laura Raganas
Kentucky DOE
Teaching students career and future ready skills with Microsoft Imagine Academy with Kentucky DOE
3:30 Todd Beard Hacking STEM
4:15 Jenn Morgan
Kelly Williams
Engage students and inspire learning with Digital Inking & Apps Todd Beard Making + Coding = a more inclusive approach to computing education
4:30 Rob Baker,
Cincinnati Country Day School
Creating an accessible learning platform with Microsoft Intune for Education & Windows 10 with Cincinnati Country Day School
5:00 HACK THE CLASSROOM Eric Herzog Become a Microsoft Innovative Educator


8:30 Jenn Morgan
Leaza Silver
10 things you can do with Office 365 Online that you never knew
9:30 Benson/Neal Get to Know Minecraft: Education Edition with Code Builder
10:00 Kelly Williams
ME Pearson
Creating more collaborative schools and classrooms Laura Raganas
Kentucky DOE
Teaching students career and future ready skills with Microsoft Imagine Academy with Kentucky DOE
10:30 Shannon Davenport Reimagine the writing process with Microsoft in Education
11:00 Lisa Simmons Office 365: 6 Steps for building the collaborative classrooms with Microsoft Teams
11:30 Jenn Morgan
Leaza Silver
Bring the world to your students with Skype in the Classroom! Shea Elam-Henley Office 365: Personalizing Learning with the OneNote Class Notebook
12:00 Charity Nix Create engaging projects and presentations with Sway
12:30 Lisa Simmons 7 Steps to help teachers make learning environments more inclusive and accessible
1:00 Todd Beard Make What’s Next: Concrete Ways to Inspire Girls to Stay in STEM Benson/Neal Get to Know Minecraft: Education Edition with Code Builder
1:30 Jenn Morgan Engage students and inspire learning with Digital Inking & Apps
2:00 Todd Beard/Jenn Morgan Become a Microsoft Innovative Educator

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