We are a short 3 weeks away from NCCE 2018! Jason and I are excited to see and learn from everyone again this year. We have a variety of topics we will be presenting. We have a little something for everyone – classroom teachers, online teachers and administrators, professional development providers – We have you covered! Below are descriptions, times, and location of our sessions. See you soon!
Bored and Brilliant in the Classroom: Finding Balance Between Devices for Empowerment and Lettings Kids Be Bored
Wednesday, February 14, 8:30 am–9:20 am
Location: Washington State Convention Center Tahoma 4
At no time since the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press as the nature and distribution of information changed so rapidly as ten years of the smartphone. We now have access to such a wealth of information, that previous events that inspired boredom, DMV lines, airport cell phone lots, and the minute between network television shows filled with information of all qualities. But… what are we losing when we are no longer bored? Based on the excellent book Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive and Creative Self Kindle, by WNYC’s Note to Self podcast host Manoush Zomorodi, Jason will discuss the risks of losing boredom, both as teachers and with devices in the classroom with students.
The Chrome List: A Chromebook Resource from NCCE’s Tech-Savvy Teachers
Wednesday, February 14, 1:00 pm–1:50 pm
Location: Washington State Convention Center Tahoma 4
One of the hurdles for teachers adopting Chromebooks in their classroom is finding alternatives to software they previously used on their Windows or Mac desktops or laptops, or even their iPads. In August 2017, the NCCE Tech-Savvy Teachers released our Chromebook App list. We have collected the best Chrome extensions, Chrome App, and other web-based tools that allow for productivity and creativity by teachers and students alike. Drop by and check out our list, our criteria for picking great web tools, and help provide your own suggestions!
H5P Free Interactivity Platform for your classroom
Wednesday, February 14, 3:00 pm–3:50 pm
Location: Washington State Convention Center Tahoma 4
Web Based interactives are a great teaching tool that work on laptops, desktops, SMART Boards, and phones. The issue has always been they have been difficult to build. Those days are behind us thanks to the development of H5P and its suite of free interactives! Join Mike Agostinelli as he leads an interactive hour of hands on exploration of H5P interactives.
30 in 50 2018: 30 Brand New Tech-Savvy Tools for your classroom
Thursday, February 15, 10:30 am–11:20 am
Location: Washington State Convention Center Tahoma 3
Join Mike and Jason for their annual breakdown of the newest and most promising apps and websites of 2018. As always everything presented will be fresh, new, and exciting!
An Online Learning Recipe That Works
Thursday, February 15, 1:00 pm–1:50 pm
Location: Washington State Convention Center Tahoma 3
What is the magic sauce the makes online courses work? Join the Assistant Director and Instructional Program Director of the Montana Digital Academy (Jason Neiffer and Mike Agostinelli) as they present tools, strategies, lessons, and structures that have made MTDA a popular choice for the students of Montana. Teach in a face-to-face classroom? Many of the items presented work in a blended environment as well.
Virtual Personal Assistants: The Future is… now?
Friday, February 16, 9:00 am–9:50 am
Location: Washington State Convention Center Tahoma 4
Since Siri was introduced to the iPhone in 2011, Silicon Valley has raced to provide a voice interface on our phones, tablets, and now laptops. Seven years into its availability, do Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, or Cortana have a role in formal or informal education? Join NCCE’s Tech-Savvy Administrator for a look at “virtual personal assistants,” the subject of his doctoral research at the University of Montana. He’ll discuss classroom implementation and the future on how talking computers might change teaching and learning.
Strategies for Evaluating Online and Blended Teachers
Friday, February 16, 1:00 pm–1:50 pm
Location: Washington State Convention Center Tahoma 4
The Montana Digital Academy currently employs 110 Montana teachers disbursed throughout the state. Learn how MTDA built a year long evaluation and support program to maximize effectives of instruction. An overview of the evaluation program, software aids, and support materials will all be shared.