I was recently during lunch at a training, “what is the one tip that you think would help nearly everyone using technology that nobody knows?”  I found the question fascinating and thought long and hard about the concept and have bounced this one off of professionals that I consider quite tech-savvy and found that it isn’t universally known:

Use Control-Z to correct mistakes!

In almost all programs and with almost all commands or actions, you can press Control-Z (or Command-Z on the Mac) to undo that action.  It works in so many excellent ways, but, here is a couple of examples.

  • Delete the wrong part of a photo in Photoshop?  Press Control-Z to take it back!
  • Change the formatting in Word and now the document looks horrible?  Press Control-Z to go back to your last formatting!
  • Did you past something from the Internet in Word, Google Docs or Excel and it doesn’t fit or funkified for formatting?  Press Control-Z to eliminate it!

Many users believe that a bad click or action is permanent… not so!  Try Control-Z… and relax!

What’s your favorite quick tip for teachers?  Hit us up in the comment section below and we may feature your tool on the blog!

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