The NCCE Board of Directors will have three positions opening in 2015. Each position is a three-year term that will continue to help NCCE grow within the vision of being the leader for innovative professional learning. NCCE is looking for leaders to represent our 4000+ members and continue to focus on the organization’s mission to lead, engage and assist educational communities to reach higher levels of student and educator success through the use of 21st Century technology.

Positions available include:

  • ESD Representative
  • K-12 District Technology Representative
  • At Large Representative

You can get a job description for these positions in the NCCE Bylaws.

The current Board of Directors is asking our members for nominations for one or all of the available positions. To nominate someone, please fill out this brief survey about your nominee.

To nominate someone, please fill out this short form.

Please share this information for others.  We seek all voices to represent members on our Board of Directors!

All nominations must be submitted no later than November 30, 2015.

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