Much like the iPad in 2010, the ChromeBook is finding a home in budget-conscious classrooms across the country. I certainly understand the lure: they are cheap, quite functional and incredibly easy to mange with Google’s excellent set management tools.
However, we are getting an increasing number of questions from classroom teachers concerning what to do with these devices. The inexpensive price makes classroom sets and 1:1 environments a more likely reality, but, in many cases, training is scarce and some otherwise excellent tech-savvy teachers struggle to re-envision their great lessons with the more limited platform.
Don’t misread my statement: I love the ChromeBook, and minus a couple of necessary apps, I could likely live on the ChromeBook, and have managed to do so in a number of occasions.
So, Mike and I are working on a list: what are the best web-based apps, plugins and other delights that can work in the Chrome-only environment?
We have our existing favorite apps: Evernote‘s web-based interface works well in the environment; the Google Apps for Education Suite provides enough functionality for the vast majority of computing needs; and there are even excellent media-apps like Spotify, Pandora and even Plex that are all Chrome winners.
BUT… what are your go-to apps, either ones that you use in Chrome on your laptop or desktop or apps that YOU use in a ChromeBook environment that help make this device more functional?
Comment here, tweet us on Twitter, give us feedback on our form. We will be compiling this list over the next month for release with a commitment to keep it updated.
Thanks for sharing!
Feature Photo by Alex Washburn/Wired