Northwest Educational Service District 189

Physical Computing and It’s Role in Education
Tuesday 8/7/2018 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

This six-hour academy is designed to give educators an understanding of what physical computing is and how they can integrate it into their curriculum to deepen learning. Educators will learn why physical computing is a powerful teaching tool, how and micro:bit support physical computing projects, and what resources are available to design content-based physical computing units. It is aimed at educators for whom physical computing is relatively new and who are looking to implement lessons in their classroom right away. This training will explore physical computing through hands-on activities that will introduce educators to the principles of physical computing and the resource.
Target Audience: Grades 3-12

Price: $100.00
Course closing date: 8/6/2018
Location: NWESD – Cap Sante Room
This class will be held in room: NWESD Cap Sante
Your Instructor(s) will be: Facilitator Nancy, Morgen Larsen
For more information contact: Nancy Menard, 360-299-4020
Total Clock Hours: 6


Makey Makey Invention Literacy Workshop for Educators
Wednesday 8/8/2018 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

In today’s world it is important for our students to be creative, inventive, and imaginative creators who can change the world. Makey-Makey is an invention kit for the 21st Century. This course offers participants the chance to dig in and become makers, exploring all the fun and engaging ways they can investigate electrical conductivity and use Scratch coding to make inventions come alive. This course is aimed at helping educators integrate making into learning across the curriculum and inventing using art, engineering and everything in between. You will learn how Makey-Makey can be used across the curriculum. Registration fee includes a kit to take with you.
Target Audience: Grades 1-12 in all subjects/content areas.

Price: $135.00
Space Available: There is 0 student Enrolled in this class. There are 40 seat(s) available at this time.
Course closing date: 8/7/2018
Location: NWESD – Cap Sante Room
This class will be held in room: NWESD Cap Sante
Your Instructor(s) will be: Facilitator Nancy, Morgen Larsen
For more information contact: Nancy Menard, 360-299-4020
Total Clock Hours: 6


Minecraft Education Edition Teacher Academy
Thursday 8/9/2018 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

In this full-day workshop, participants will enjoy experiencing all available Minecraft modules, the last of which is a facilitated planning session for attendees to create one of their own lesson plans applicable to their applicable grade level and subject area. Participants will Get to Know Minecraft, Learn to Play Minecraft, experience a Breakout EDU in a Minecraft world, and Minecraft Your Classroom.
Target Audience: Grades 1-12 in all subject/content areas, professional learning communities, and administrators.

Price: $100.00
Space Available: There is 1 student Enrolled in this class. There are 34 seat(s) available at this time.
Course closing date: 8/8/2018
Location: NWESD – Admiralty Room
This class will be held in room: NWESD Admiralty
Your Instructor(s) will be: Facilitator Nancy, Jeffrey Gearhart
For more information contact: Nancy Menard, 360-299-4020
Total Clock Hours: 6


Educational Service District 105

Registration Information:

Use the Session ID numbers to register @   All sessions will run 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM, and STEM clock hours will be offered

Intro to Computational Thinking and Physical Computing:

Educators will learn why physical computing is a powerful teaching tool, how and micro:bit support physical computing projects, and what resources are available to design content-based physical computing units.  It is aimed at educators for whom physical computing is relatively new and who are looking to implement lessons in their classroom right away. This training will explore physical computing through hands-on activities that will introduce educators to the principles of physical computing and the resources contained within  Course Fee:  $135; includes micro:bit
·         Tuesday, August 21 (Klickitat Room)  Session ID # 121205

Craft and Learn with Minecraft:

Participants will enjoy experiencing all available Minecraft modules, the last of which is a facilitated planning session for attendees to create one of their own lesson plans applicable to their applicable grade level and subject area. Participants will Get to Know Minecraft, Learn to Play Minecraft, experience a Breakout EDU in a Minecraft world, and Minecraft Your Classroom.  Course Fee:  $100
·         Wednesday, August 22 (Klickitat Room)  Session ID # 121206

Makey Makey Invention Literacy Workshop for Educators:

In today’s world it is important for our students to be creative, inventive, and imaginative creators who can change the world. Makey-Makey is an invention kit for the 21st Century. This course offers participants the chance to dig in and become makers, exploring all the fun and engaging ways they can investigate electrical conductivity and use Scratch coding to make inventions come alive. This course is aimed at helping educators integrate making into learning across the curriculum and inventing using art, engineering and everything in between. You will learn how Makey Makey can be used across the curriculum. Course Fee: $135; includes Makey Makey
·         Thursday, August 23 (Klickitat Room)  Session ID # 121207

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