I have been quite inspired by your stories in the past few months of connecting with a wider group of teachers to build a personal and professional learning network. Teachers in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are regularly meeting to talk about their inspirations and innovations and connections throughout are region are palpable.
This makes a question I received last night via a Twitter private message even more important… “OK. I am following two dozen people on Twitter now… and I have made some connections… am I doing this right?”
Great question!
Once you are comfortable with a small presence in any social media, I strongly believe it is time to expand your network to bring in additional voices and perspectives. The value of a learning network is that is challenges and inspires you to think differently or consider new perspectives.
One of the best resources I have seen on this is actually based on an excellent Google Hangout hosted by Tom Murray and friends on “Growing Your PLN.” This video, under an hour long, is some of the best personal development you can treat yourself to this week:
Thoughts? Comments? Hit us up below!