NCCE is excited to announce our first graduates of the ISTE certification! Congratulations to Chasen Stahl from Aoba-Japan International School! The ISTE Certification for Educators is a rigorous professional certification for ambitious educators, leaders, and coaches wishing to transform teaching pedagogy with digital learning. Using a hybrid model encompassing both face to face and online learning components. Chasen completed approximately 30 hours of dynamic instruction and activities and then assembled an eportfolio for the ISTE Certification Team.
Chasen Stahl is our Aoba-Japan International School’s ICT Director. He is managing IT infrastructure for our various campuses and also developing online and blended learning educational platforms in partnership with BBT. Part of A-JIS since 2015, he enjoys being here since “it’s exciting and extremely rewarding to see how our work directly impacts the school”. IT and technology in general is constantly evolving. Keeping abreast of new developments and figuring out how to implement technology at A-JIS is a constant challenge, but it is always exciting and extremely rewarding to see how our work directly impacts the school. Plus, computers are cool!
Please share how you felt about the face to face ISTE Certification event
The face to face portion of the certification process was excellent. The workshop leaders were highly knowledgeable, friendly, and professional. The discussion between other participants was also very interesting and the overall mix of people was diverse in terms of background which contributed to rich dialogue drawing on multiple perspectives. While there were some classroom teachers, there were also education technology professionals (such as myself) and people involved in education through research roles.
Would you encourage others to apply for the ISTE Certification process?
Yes! I would recommend this certification to anyone in education or education technology. I feel the concepts and ISTE standards are relevant across a wide variety of curriculum, pedagogy, and other paradigms.
How long have you been in education?
4 years
Where did you get your degrees?
USA, California, San Francisco State University
What quote inspires you?
“We ought to do good to others as simply as a horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine bears grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes it has borne.” – Marcus Aurelius
What books are you currently reading?
“The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay” by Michael Chabon”Normal People” by Rooney
What podcasts are you currently listening to?
Scriptnotes, History on Fire, Freakanomics Radio
Are you interesting in becoming ISTE Certified?
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