NCCE is excited to announce our first graduates of the ISTE certification! Congratulations to Tracie Lenihan from East Valley School District in Spokane, Washington! The ISTE Certification for Educators is a rigorous professional certification for ambitious educators, leaders, and coaches wishing to transform teaching pedagogy with digital learning. Using a hybrid model encompassing both face to face and online learning components. Tracie completed approximately 30 hours of dynamic instruction and activities and then assembled an eportfolio for the ISTE Certification Team.
Currently working in the East Valley School District in Spokane, Washington, Tracie leads the high school’s 1:1 initiative and supports k-12 educators through coaching, mentoring, and professional learning that motivates and fosters student-centered learning environments.
Please share how you felt about the face to face ISTE Certification event
The face to face event was critical to my success. The introduction days sponsored by NCCE, and the collaboration with fellow educators, gave me a chance to learn from like-minded EdTech enthusiasts and continued communication with cohort members was invaluable.
Please share with us one take-away from the ISTE Certification process.
The ISTE Certification process is challenging, will absolutely change your practice, and give you the tools to help develop empowered 21st century learners.
Would you encourage others to apply for the ISTE Certification process?
Yes! All educators should know about the ISTE Standards for Students so they can teach and model positive technology integration.
How long have you been in education?
20 years
Where did you get your degrees?
B.A. California State University, Dominguez Hills
M.A.Ed. New Mexico Highlands University
Tracie will complete her Administrative Leadership certification from Gonzaga University in June 2020
What quote inspires you?
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” – Henry Ford
What books are you currently reading?
“The Wallpaper Effect: Data Strategies to Uncover and Eliminate Hidden Inequities” by Johnson & LaSalle and “Normal People” by Rooney
What podcasts are you currently listening to?
The Shake Up Learning Show with Kasey Bell
Are you interesting in becoming ISTE Certified?
Good News! NCCE is here to help! Click here to check out upcoming trainings near you