by McCoy Palma | Feb 26, 2016 | Digital Design, Guest Post, Interviews, NCCE 2016 in Seattle, Professional Development, The Future, Twitter
Given the opportunity to be in attendance at NCCE 2016 (Northwest Council for Computer Education), students of Renton Prep whom were eligible, volunteered to take the chance. The chance to experience, or introduce, technology in education to attendants. Maybe even...
by Mike Agostinelli | Apr 29, 2015 | Announcements, Listen and Learn!, Media, NCCE News, Professional Development, Professional Learning Networks, Twitter
Richard, Jason, and myself hope you can join us tonight at 7 pm PST for the first ever #NCCEchat We will be focusing on successes in the classroom experienced after the NCCE conference. Richard posted a great outline to get you started if you have never participated...
by Richard Snyder | Apr 26, 2015 | Announcements, How-To, Twitter
This Wednesday marks our first #NCCEchat. Our goal is to connect with members on a monthly basis and chat about all things edtech. New to Twitter chats? Let me explain how one works. Here are 5 steps to having a good Twitter chat experience. Step 1 – Find a...